Residential accommodation
Education Trips
The South Downs Eco Hostel can accommodate up to a maximum of 38, usually 35 pupils and 3 adults, and gives you the opportunity to stay over and get the best from The Sustainability Centre.
We provide full catering including buffet breakfasts, packed lunches and evening meals. All meals are home made by our on-site chef from the Beech Cafe, using local organic ingredients, a favourite with teachers and children alike.
The Lodge was once home to Royal Navy recruits. It has since been completely renovated and equipped with green energy technology that meets all the heating needs of the building. Pupils can monitor the output of the photovoltaic solar energy panels on the roof and find out how we provide all the heat and hot water for their stay. Pupils also recycle their lunch box waste, use the low-flush option on toilets and discover how hot the water gets when heated by the solar panels. CateringThe lunches and dinners are all freshly prepared every day by our on-site Beech Cafe using local and healthy ingredients.
We are very careful to cater for food allergies and intolerances. Menus are sent prior to your trip for options and choices to be made. The food is a favourite on our residentials. Many schools have asked if they can take the chefs back to school with them. Sorry, they are staying here! "Thank you for the delicious dinner. It was one of the best dinners I have ever had!" |