General Courses BursaryDuring our courses booking process we invite our attendees to to make a small contribution. This is used to help others, who would like to attend but may not be able to meet the full cost of a course.
We are truly grateful to those who have been instrumental in helping us to create opportunities for everyone to have access to our training and courses. If you feel that your financial circumstances won't allow you to participate in a course due to cost, you can apply for a General Bursary up to once a year. This can provide up to 50% of the cost of the course. "I’ve always had a passion for nature and especially woodwork, so the knife carving course seemed to be a great fit. I’ve had a long time struggling with mental illness and being out of work, however The Sustainability Centre was fantastic and helped me out with their bursary scheme, without it I wouldn’t have been able to do the course." BURSARY RECIPIENT - KNIFE CARVING COURSE |
Bill Mollison